北部新聞台北市新聞稿1120224私立育達高中-育達雙語小學部英語課專題Pancake Tuesday英國鬆餅節的由來及體驗課程

新聞稿1120224私立育達高中-育達雙語小學部英語課專題Pancake Tuesday英國鬆餅節的由來及體驗課程

臺北市私立育達高級中等學校新聞稿 請轉交文教記者



新聞聯絡:綜合企劃中心楊庭卉主任 (02)2579-6115轉134


【主題:育達雙語小學部英語課專題Pancake Tuesday英國鬆餅節的由來及體驗課程】

【臺北報導】Pancake Tuesday是英國鬆餅節,又稱「懺悔星期二」,在基督教徒大齋日前一天舉行,人們會和親朋好友們一同製作豐盛的餐點,並且享受做鬆餅的樂趣!




Pancake Tuesday. Also known as Shrove Tuesday, is a holiday in the UK and other countries in which families and friends cook pancakes together. Traditionally, it was to mark the beginning of the Christian holiday of Lent, but these days people just do it because it’s fun to cook and eat with loved ones, and pancakes are delicious! 

This year at Kingston we decided to celebrate by making pancakes with our students, who helped us measure, mix, and pour the batter. The children had a lot of fun and learned a simple recipe for Scotch pancakes, as well as the difference between pancakes and waffles, which is the same word in Chinese. When they finished they put either honey or lemon juice and sugar on top, and enjoyed the delicious treats! Everyone had a great time and we look forward to doing it again next year!
